Sunday, June 2, 2013


As most of you know the name of the asteroid 1998 QE2 reminds many of the cruise ship QE2.  This nice video tells you how the properties of the QE2 of the skies relates to those of the seas:


1 comment:

  1. Hwow, that was really close !!! Good that QE2 remained on it projected track.
    In one of the youtube videos that you posted the question was rised if QE2 on its passage could possibly deflect the earth' moon out of its orbit. At least this issue I remember from my physics courses: The kinetics of a three-body system (earth - moon - asteroid) can never be solved analytically. Three interacting objects can take unpredictable trajectories. Maybe in this special situation when one of the three objects (asteoid) is by several orders of magnitude lighter than the other two, the movement of all three can be approximated very well. But maybe in this video they are speculating about a direct impact of the asteroid onto moon. As the many crators on the moon clearly show, this seems to happen not so infrequently.
    I am so happy that by visual inspection yesterday night, I could still find the moon in a seemingly undamaged status.

    greetings, Michael
