Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquake 101

Today Washington D.C. area experienced the largest earthquake (5.8 magnitude) known to ever hit this region!*  Apparently we east coast people are not well-educated about what to do or not to do during an earth quake.  Everyone evacuated their buildings.  Now we know earthquake protocol is to find a safe place inside the building: (e.g. under the table/desk, etc).  I knew this but at the moment when it happened, I reacted like I would to fire alarms and other emergencies:  evacuate!  Maybe because we are so used to other threats and hazards in this region requiring us to evacuate once in a while.  I was not alone, everyone came out, and everyone was wrong.  However, to our credit, the quake did trigger our fire alarms. So, we were responding to that as well!  Besides, we did not have much choice.  We were not allowed inside the building and were told to stay out!  In fact we were sent home so that all buildings be inspected and cleared by structural engineers!.  Here is Red Cross' Check List of what to do or not to do during an earthquake.

Next, in any emergency, if everyone calls each other, as you might have realized today, the lines get congested and cannot handle the communications traffic when it is needed the most.  So try just texting or not using the lines as much as possible so that emergency response personnel and those more in  need be able to use the lines.

Finally, on a personal note, it is good to have cash, extra car, home keys in different places.  We were not allowed to get back to our offices until all buildings were cleared and inspected. I had my keys and cell phone but my purse with my credit cards and money are all inside the office!

* http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/08/23/washington-area-has-history-earthquakes/

p.s. Many west-coasters or those on other major earthquake lines may think we are making a huge deal out of nothing since they constantly deal with such earthquakes.  However, please keep two points in mind: 1) our building codes are not designed for enduring earthquakes and yours are.  2)  The earth crust in those regions is fragmented so earthquakes are felt locally, whereas here the earth crust is all one huge connected piece and that is why the waves traveled to many states including NY, NC, and even Toronto, CA.

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