Monday, December 9, 2024

You are batting 1%!

"You are batting 1%" is a baseball term, means hitting the ball very poorly, below average. The term is also used to mean you are performing extremely poorly in a situation where success is measured by a percentage, essentially indicating you are only achieving a very small fraction of desired results, similar to how in baseball, a "batting average" of 1% would be incredibly low and signify almost no hits at all. 

Some text was provided by AI-enabled search engine results.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


To renege means to go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract. I learned this word in recent news on CNN that mentioned president Biden reneged on his promise and pardoned his son Hunter. Other synonyms include revoke, renounce, or abandon. 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Throwing a Fit

 I heard this term first when my son casually mentioned a couple of times "I had a fit" or "I threw a fit" when going over his day's events last night.  To "throw a fit" or "have a fit" means to become very shocked, angry, or worried. Other synonyms are: blow a fuse, blow one's stack, blow up, combust, go ballistic, lose one's temper.